Dec 13, 2023

Beyond the Diagnosis: A Journey through Mental Wellness

“Understanding that your partner could feel that way also makes you want to be ultimately better for yourself.”

Mental health comes in all shapes, sizes, and both genders. About the actual diagnosis, that’s another variable. The diagnosis can come at any point in life and how a person deals with it moving forward, navigates the nuances and medications as well as any therapy plays a pivotal role in the life they’re able to create. “The way I was before I started taking the medication, I don’t ever want to be that person again.” (Danny), 10:34

My guest today is a person who understands the challenges of mental health and how learning to maneuver is an ongoing occurrence. She’s Kelsey Darragh, a multi-talented, creative force unlike any I’ve ever met. Kelsey made time to stop by and discuss her mental challenges, the various forms of treatment she’s used and currently uses, dating and mental health, and much, much more! “I was getting tired of everyone saying it’s going to be alright. I was like I know it’s going to be alright, but when is it going to be alright?” – (Danny), 13:54

Mental health is challenging, but it’s even more challenging when it gets swept under the rug or ignored. Recognizing and receiving the help that’s available is life-changing and sets sufferers on a clear path to creating a life worth living. If you’ve been on the fence, wondering if you should move forward and get the help you need and deserve, this show is the one that will help move you into living your best life! “What do you do or where do you find yourself when everybody you’re supposed to go to help you can’t?” – (Kelsey), 15:30