S3 EP25: Breaking the Silence: Unveiling the Reality of OCD with Allison Raskin

“When I like me more, other people’s opinions of me don’t matter as much.”

There’s a lot of talk out there about OCD, what it is, who has it, and the way it impacts lives. It’s a challenging disorder and so many people navigate this space in life alone. That’s a sad reality, but what’s even sadder is that there are so many others who are open and willing to help them find their way through this mental maze and in the process, introduce them to a better life.

My guest today is Allison Raskin. She’s a New York Times best-selling author, a podcaster, a screenwriter, an admitted sufferer of OCD, and a staunch mental health advocate. Today, Allison stops by and shares her journey, and how she’s dealt with the challenges she faces while offering insights into how others can overcome whatever mental struggles they’re having in their lives. It’s an eye-opening conversation that sees her being transparent in a powerful way that will impact listeners regardless of where they are in their mental walk.

OCD is very real and it’s time we start having some very real conversations about this condition. It’s also time for sufferers to come out into the light and get the support they so desperately need. Today, we’ll offer that help in the form of Allison Raskin. It’s an incredible time with a dynamic, high-achieving woman.