S3 EP24: Reinventing Yourself: A Journey to Authenticity with Craig Siegel

“As it turns out, there’s a lot more to success than just making money.”

Authenticity, getting real, being true to yourself … we’ve all heard those clichés a time or two. The truth is at some point we’ve all uttered them for one reason or another. But here’s the thing, hearing or saying them means nothing, it’s easy. The real value comes from stepping out and being bold enough to act because when you do, the universe takes notice, and some pretty awesome things begin happening.

My guest today is Craig Siegel. He’s the author of the WSJ Bestseller The Reinvention Formula: How to Unlock a Bulletproof Mindset to Unlock Your Life, and quite simply one of the most amazing people I’ve ever talked to on the show. Today, Craig stops by to share his journey of reinvention, what he lost, what he learned, and the incredible life he has built by finding and becoming aligned with his authentic self. He’ll also share some of the struggles he’s overcome and offer tips on how you can do the same in your life.

If you’ve found the things in life that light your fire, but you’re afraid to make the move, this is the episode that will give you the courage to take the next step and bring it to reality. Don’t worry about your age because it’s truly nothing more than a number and it’s never too late! If this sounds like you, this episode is for you.