S3 EP08: Overcoming Depression and Embracing Your True Self with Ben Nemtin

“Half the people you look at are struggling.”

We have one life and one life only to live, love, grow, and do whatever it is that makes us whole. Here’s the problem: too many of us are stuck living life and dreaming the dreams of others. We ignore the signs of who we are and who we were meant to be, and the ramification of doing so often leads to the deep, dark hole that is depression.

Today, I speak to a man who knows a little something about living and dreaming for yourself, not others. He’s Ben Nemtin and his story of battling and overcoming depression and embracing his true self is nothing short of amazing. His new book entitled, “The Buried Life” is a truly awesome read that will open your eyes and set your feet to moving in the right direction.

Depression is very real, but overcoming it is also real and it starts by being brave enough to look in the mirror and making some often hard, but equally rewarding, life choices. We’ve only got this one life, so break out the pen, start listing the things you want to do – the bucket list -- and get busy living! If you’re brave enough to begin that journey, this episode is definitely for you!